Thursday, August 29, 2013

Native Mowing

We are beginning the process of mowing all of our native areas today. Depending on weather and schedule we hope to have it completed in two weeks. Cleaning up after mowing takes longer then the actual mowing. Therefore there may be some areas with debris while playing. Rest assured the clean-up crew will be there shortly to clean it up!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Verticutting, Seed Growth and Divot Mix

We are almost complete with aerifying and topdressing tees. Some of the tees will be topdressed with sand in the next day or so. Verticutting is an important practice but when not done on a regular basis can be pretty disruptive as this picture shows.

However a closer look shows a lot of green tissue which is still alive.

With some topdressing sand these areas will recover quickly and look better then before.

Am pleased with the seed germination we are seeing on all areas of the golf course.

Especially in the aerification holes where the seedlings have the best chance to be protected in the holes while emerging.

Finally, the weather has cooled enough that we are reintroducing seed into our divot mix. As can be seen in this photo bentgrass seed is very, very small and takes 2-3 weeks to germinate.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly Schedule for August 26-September 1, 2013

Weather and unforeseen conditions can/will change the schedule.

-Aerify and verticut tees
-Aerify and seed areas throughout the course that are thin and need turf

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Root Pruning and Seed in Divot Mix

On Monday we were able to do some root pruning behind #11 and #17 greens. What we do is make a 4-6 inch wide trench about 10-12 inches deep below the drip line of the trees. This will cut the roots without affecting tree health but at the same time remove the competition with the turf for water and nutrients.

Here's a picture from behind #11 green.


Upon closer inspection you can see the amount of roots that were entering into the green itself.

Once the roots are removed the trench is backfilled and seeded.

Also, wanted to answer a question that I was recently asked about seed in the divot mix. We do add seed to the divot mix in the Spring and Fall. During the Summer we do not because it is too hot for the seed to properly germinate and grow. We do ask that divots are filled as the creeping bentgrass will move laterally to fill the divot itself. Albeit it slowly.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Weekly Schedule for August 19-25, 2013

Weather and unforeseen conditions can/will change the schedule.

-Aerify, seed and topdress collars and greens perimeters
-Aerify, seed and topdress select tees
-Rotary mow bunker surrounds and slopes
-Aerify and seed weak areas in roughs

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


We are getting some excellent seedling germination on #11 green where we aerified, seeded and topdressed.

Expect to see more seedlings emerge in fairways, tees and roughs as well in the next few weeks.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekly Schedule for August 12-18, 2013

Weather and unforeseen conditions can/will change the schedule.

-Topdress new sod with sand in fairways and tees
-Seed intermediate cut and roughs

Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekly Schedule for August 5-11, 2013

Weather and unforeseen conditions can/will change the schedule.

-Vent and lightly topdress greens on Monday
-Sod and/or drainage work on #4, #5, #7 and #8 tees
-Seed thin areas throughout the course
-Aerify new tees to continue to break up the sod layer
-Gradually increase green speeds throughout the week

Friday, August 2, 2013

Another 2 Inches of Rain

Yep, we received another 2 inches of rain yesterday. Can't believe we went from almost  zero rain to over 20 inches of rain in the same time period just a year apart.

Sodding and drainage installation is complete on #2 fairway along with some other areas throughout the course. We would really appreciate if everyone who plays would pay attention to the signs as to not cause damage to the newly grassed areas.

Just this little bit of help will make a huge difference!

On Monday we will be seeding any areas on tees, fairways, greens and roughs that are thin and need to fill in. We will also be doing our bi-weekly venting of greens to increase air exchange in the rootzone.

We are a touch behind on our mowing frequency due to the rain but hope to be caught up by the end of the day on Monday.

Finally, to aid in recovery we have raised the height of cut on all greens but even a tiny bit more on #3, #6, #7 and #11. Within the next 2 weeks I'd expect to begin lowering the height of cut on these greens first then all greens.