Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Course Opening

Had some nice weather today with snow melting and it looks warm for the weekend as well. Although the next few days are forecasted to be cool. Just wanted to reiterate something I wrote on the blog a few years ago:

While out on the course today I realized that some may have questions as to why we have frost delays or close the course when the holes around the clubhouse look frost and snow free. While this is true, there are holes on the interior and far side of the course that for various reasons stay colder and the frost and snow are still present.

Also, when we get into freeze and thaw periods root shearing can occur. This is when the top 1/2 to 1 inch of the soil is thawed out but the soil below is not. Therefore traffic causes the top, unthawed, layer to move and literally cuts the roots away from the area below which is frozen. Of course we do not want this to happen!

We will be reviewing the course every day this week and weekend so we may open at the earliest possible time without damaging the course.

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