Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 2 of Aerification-Oct. 18, 2011

We were able to stay ahead of schedule and finished all greens and fairway aerification on Tuesday. I'd like to go over the fairway aerification process.

The fairways are aerified using 3/4-inch hollow tines spaced on 4-inch centers. The machine is connected to a tractor and looks like this:

Afterwards the cores are dragged with using a metal mat:

In this picture you can see the difference in what a core looks like before dragging with the red arrow, then after dragging (blue arrow):

The remaining "tufts" are then picked up and dumped on the cart paths next to the fairways:

I'll do one more post this week on some other items regarding the aerification earlier this week.

1 comment:

  1. Damon: Sunday 11/13 we noticed what appeared to be a broken water line on # 10 left side between cart path crossing and left side bunkers (200 yds from green). Ground was like a water bed oscillating up and down. Rich O.
